VBS Co-Workers

2018 VBS: "Shipwrecked---Rescued by Jesus"
We are looking for about ten more co-workers to join the VBS team for roles such as family leaders and assistants, recreation team members, and station helpers. Our prayer is that the Lord would prepare fifty co-workers to serve in unity and lead 150 children to know Jesus as their personal Savior through an exciting VBS. The theme this year is “Shipwrecked–Rescued by Jesus.” It will be held June 25–29, 9:00am-5:00pm. The Children’s VBS registration link was sent out to each congregation’s email group on Apr. 10, and so far, 60 kids have signed up. If you have any questions, please contact Anh Fan (). Please invite non-believing children to attend.

If you would like to be a VBS co-worker, please fill out either the insert in the Sunday bulletin or the online form via link below. Co-workers may choose to serve for a half day or a full day.
↪  Sign up online to be a VBS co-worker

VBS Co-Workers